Home / Transforming Customer Experience with Shop LED Display

Transforming Customer Experience with Shop LED Display

Artist’s impression of an LED display at the shop counter

I recently learned that the installation of mirrors in lifts may have started when passengers were complaining that the lifts took too long to get from one level to another. Instead of making the lifts faster, which would have cost a lot of money, it was decided to put mirrors in the lifts so that the passengers can occupy themselves by checking themselves out. And apparently it worked – the complaints stopped.

This got me thinking about the long queues that we often have to face in our daily lives – at the bus terminals when trying to get home after a long day, when buying groceries but the people in front have overflowing trolleys, when waiting for your turn at the popular dim sum place, etc, etc and how agitated we can get when the lines are not moving fast enough.

I’m not sure if mirrors are a viable solution here (I would like to see someone try 😊) but LED display screens definitely can be used to help alleviate the boredom of waiting. Entertaining ads and exciting promotions will help to elevate the queuers’ already sour mood.  

Traditionally, this would be the single 32” LCD TV sitting in a high up corner somewhere where the cashier catches up with the K-drama they missed the night before during periods of low footfall in the shop. Those that are trying harder to impress would have a row of LCD TVs lined up, each showing a different video.

An example of a line of LCD TVs installed in a shop where you’ll have to decide which TV has the best promotion on display. Miss it and you miss the promo.

As can be seen in the example above, this is not the most visually pleasing. In fact, it may serve to increase annoyance in the already impatient customers.

This shop is installed with LED a one-unit LED display screen that replaced the previous multiple LCD TVs.

We find most elegant solution to pull everything together is the LED display screen Admittedly, we may be biased, but the improvement is undeniable. LED display screens can be customised to almost any dimensions thus eliminating the joint seams between the LCD TVs. The display is clean and seamless, and does not suffer from reflective glare like LCD TVs. Note also the improvement in brightness and clarity of the display. All this at a lower energy consumption of an equal sized LCD TV.

The uses are many too. Special promotions, new arrivals, important announcements, missing pets??! – just to name a few. Other advertisers may even come knocking on your door to display their video contents on your screen. And if your shop has glass walls or doors, even those outside will have their eyes drawn in.

So, if you are thinking of upgrading your shop with an eye-catching display system, do consider a LED display screen from us. We are LED screen specialists and with our vast experience and track record, you can be assured that you will getting the best value for your time and money.

Another artist’s impression of an LED display at the shop counter

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